Monday, October 8, 2012

Tuning Into Interesting Words!

One of the CAFE strategies under Expanding Vocabulary is Tune Into Interesting Words, and my students love it! The first month of school, I had nothing on my word wall. I kept forgetting to incorporate it into my daily routine. These past two weeks, I really made a push to use the Word Wall everyday, and it is really enhancing the reading we are doing as a class. 

Each week, there will be new sight words in purple that we practice each day. On a whim, I began color coding the words we put on the Word Wall by nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc... Our amazing adjectives are in green, our vigorous verbs are in yellow, and Social Studies words are in blue. We are reading Charlotte's Web, and the book is full of descriptive language and interesting words for the kids to explore.  We currently love the words dismayed and devoured!